Thursday, November 12, 2009

Inspirational Thoughts

At the bottom of my blog, I have this gadget that puts up an inspirational thought each day. A new day, a new inspiration to think about or better yet, do.

Today's was "Just for today, imagine you are a great warrior and no one can ever stop you from reaching your dreams!" I think I might be able to do that, for one day, well maybe small parts in one day. I do not think it is a fear that holds me back from reaching my dreams. Actually, I am not sure what my dreams are right now. They are more goals or aspirations for my children and how I can provide for their dreams. I do not need to imagine I am a great warrior. I need to imagine I am better organized to use the hours in a day better and not let life get in the way of the things I want to do. But I supposed I could debate myself and say, Hey, life is full of choices. We choose to make time for the things we really want to do. But then, my argument back would be, Hey, you don't have children do you?

I think tomorrow, instead of imagining I am a warrior, I think I will continue to remember to be inspirational.

Monday, November 9, 2009


I went to see Casting Crowns last week. It was awesome but in addition to the music, they had such great things to say that made me really think. Mark Hall talked about the enemy pushing all the buttons (right or wrong) that trigger the doubt, fear, negetivity, that makes us step back and as he said "get in line" retract from stepping out with Jesus.

I think in addition to pushing buttons, he also puts on glasses, blinders, lenses that keep us from seeing the good in our lives, magnifying the failure and lack of possibilities and blind us from recognizing love. The love of those around us and the love that God graciously gives. In not seeing correctly, we push the love farther away. The love of others, the steadfast love of God, the love we should have for ourselves. We push it away and don't even see the additional pain we cause ourselves, cause those we love or love us ... this is not what God wants. He does not need us, we can stop retracting from the gifts he gives us feeling that we are not good enough. We can stop the excuses, if I had more money, if I had less failure in my life, if I were thinner, smarter, if I were like someone else and not me, things would be better.

He does not need us, He wants us! God loves us just as we are. Take off the glasses. Remove the buttons. We are broken and beautiful in His eyes. God believes in us. Other people believe in us. Why is it so hard to believe in ourselves? Why is it so hard to listen to the voice of truth?

Mark's Testimony part I
Mark's Testimony Part II

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Communications from the Heart


Why is it that we think of the people we love several times a day but do not take the time to talk to them about us, our lives, share things... communicate. Well, I love you all, you know I am the worlds worst pen pal (even with email and facebook) and I am not a huge fan of talking on the phone but I want you to know I think of you often and wish we were closer or not so busy to share more of our daily lives.

I have not blogged in almost a year. It was therapeutic for me at one time, a way to get things out and let them go (Messages in Bottles blog), ways to just journal life (Believe in the Promise blog)and at one time I even wrote in a hard copy Book of Beth but that was for me alone to write in and read out of and I am not that much of a loner. So a blogging I will go and share with you, inviting your insight, comments and loving opinions (I just might be asking for it huh?) Technology, I chose to use it to keep in touch with the people that mean so much to me and share communications from the heart.