Monday, January 25, 2010

A Mountainous Accomplishment

Well, I think I have done it! It took me the entire weekend but tonight I believe I put the last stitch of dirty clothes in the laundry! Getting the laundry done is typically not a mountainous accomplishment when there are only three of us in the house (I should include Marina the cat in that cause she does make messes but typically does not wear our clothes, barfs on them yes, wear them no). This is a simple chore to just take care of as the need for something to wear arises. Well, reconsider this simple chore after I tell you that my walk in closet now has a floor! And there is carpet too! The bins that were overflowing and stacked are no longer there and you can actually walk into my walk in closet. Really! Come try it. I can close the door on you and you can move around, well turn around. I am not Paris Hilton who's closet is bigger than my house! AND ... get this ...(pause for effect) .. McKenna's closet has a floor too! And carpet! No it is not all crammed under the bed! There are No empty hangers, the drawers are neatly organized and full and the last article of clothing is currently spinning around in the dryer! A mountainous accomplishment!

Is it me or does that rock look a little falic?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Suggestion of a Clean Slate

Sunday, January 24, 2010
from the book The Language of Letting Go

Clearing the Slate

One of the greatest gifts we can give is an open, loving heart. And holding on to negative feelings from past relationships is our greatest barrier to that gift.

Most of us have had relationships that have ended. When we examine these relationships, we need to clear the emotional slate. Are we holding on to anger or resentments? Are we still feeling victimized? Are we living with the self-defeating beliefs that may be attached to these relationships - Women can't be trusted.... Bosses use people.... There is no such thing as a good relationship....

Let go of all that may be blocking your relationships today. With great certainty, we can know that old feelings and self-defeating beliefs will block us today from giving and getting the love we desire. We can clear the slate of the past. It begins with awareness, honesty, and openness. The process is complete when we reach a state of acceptance and peace toward all from our past.

Today, I will begin the process of letting go of all self-defeating feelings and beliefs connected to past relationships. I will clear my slate so I am free to love and be loved.

This was interesting to read this morning. I have to admit I have been struggling with Chad being gone and not hearing from him for days at a time. I have not wanted to admit to others that I send him text or messages, call and he does not answer or respond for fear that it would put him in a bad light. I do not know what he is doing or why he is treating me and our relationship with such neglect. I feel ignored.

But I do know that this has opened the floodgates of my fears and past disappearances of men in my life. Men Disappear (I wrote this in a blog over 4 years ago ... still true today) Chad becomes angry when I share my fears of him disappearing. Not sure why he gets angry. Not sure if he is disappearing to. Just know, I need to clear the slate of this fear for whatever relationship is in my future.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

2010: What will this decade bring?

Welcome to 2010! Honestly, I am glad to see the last decade behind me and looking forward is always better than looking back.

Just like most American, I resolve to lose weight, get healthy and learn to eat better this year. Not a diet, a lifestyle change. I am fortunate to have a group of friends that have the same aspirations. We are all doing the food thing in ways that works or us and our lifestyles. We are exercising in ways that is convenient to our budget and time constraints, we are weighing in on Tuesdays togther and offering support. Who couldn't use support from those who love you in times of change and challenge? I am just past the first 21 days of this and have not really gotten into a "habit" but feeling better about it being not a fad of the new year but a change I am committed to make. I need to take it a day at a time and not become discouraged at slow results. I have only lost a total of 6 pounds but still have a lifetime to make the change.

As most know, Chad moved to Phoenix to go to the Motorcycle Mechanics Institute on December 30th. We do not hear much from him. People deal with change in their own ways I suppose. I try to not to speculate why we do not hear from him much or take it personally. I am proud of him for committing to do something he is interested in and know he will do well as he works towards his goal.

Alyssa turned 18 January 17th and on the 18th she got a tattoo. It is the word "grace" on her left side. She says it is because she is here by the grace of God, to remind her to extend grace to others and that she deserves grace too. She talked to me about it, planned it as she is a planner and did say that if I said difinitively "NO" she would not have gotten it. Well, I have always tried to allow her to make decisions for herself, prepare her to be a responsible adult and handle the consequences. I think I am having a harder time with her "growing up" and preparing to leave this year than I am with the tattoo.

McKenna got to sing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" as she lost them back in November and they still have not come in yet. I believe I am headed for braces.

This past fall, I was chosen the AIG Teacher of the Year for Pitt County SChools. I got a letter this past Tuesday stating I was a finalist in the North Carolina State AIG Teacher of the Year Program. I go to Winston Salem in February for a recognition luncheon and the final decision.

As Conan O'Brien says, "Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen."

We will see what happens in 2010.