Monday, January 2, 2012

Thank You!

This past weekend I got to be an adult. Not Mommy the grown up but Beth the adult. I have not felt very good about Beth the adult lately. I let Mommy the grown up to take over at times and forget to be just Beth once in a while. But this past weekend, I reconnected with Beth and Shelly.  Friday night we had dinner with friends, a couple that are older than we. Saturday we went to a basketball game. Now, I am not a big basketball fan. Football, Baseball, yeas, Basketball, not really. But I am a pirate fan and I am a Shelly fan and went willingly and with an open mind and found I had a really good time. We went with another couple, more our age. After the game, we went grocery shopping for New Years eve and day dinners, a mundane chore but together it was rather enjoyable. We had dinner with the same couple we went to the ballgame with and spent New Years Eve with them.

Both Shelly and I commented to each other how we enjoyed being together and how neither of us felt the need to get a laugh with our friends at the other's expense. A caring and repsectful trait I appreciate in him.

Sunday we went to church together, not because we had to take McKenna and be the "good parent" but because we wanted to as a couple. It was nice. We went to lunch together, spent time in the afternoon and while I went to get McKenna from her dad, Shelly was at my house cleaning up from Christmas and getting ready for my mom to come eat d
inner with us and the girls. When I got back the house looked WONDERFUL! The kitchen, living room, table set and loads of laundry going. I can not tell you how great that felt to have the help.

Thank you Shelly. My weekend with you has helped me come back to work with a good attitude and today, I had a good day as Ms. Webb the teacher.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012

Philippians 3:13-14
New International Version (NIV)

13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

New Year Roman Mythology
Who Is Janus?

Janus is an ancient Roman, composite, obscure god who is associated with doorways, beginnings, and transitions. A usually two-faced god he looks to the future and the past. The concepts of January and janitor are both based on aspects of Janus.

The guest pastor at church today told the story of the Roman god Janus. It made me think how interesting, we tend to look back instead of looking forward. Yes, where we come from, our experiences have brought us to where we are, but they do not define who we can be and where we can go.

It reinforced my mantra "Believe in the promise of tomorrow" and as well look at a new year full of only tomorrows, I will recommit to my beliefs and welcome 2012.